Price Match Guarantee

If you have discovered a product that you love, but have seen it cheaper elsewhere? It would be best if you let us know.

At Inner Home, we strive to offer our valued customers products they love at the best price possible. We review our prices regularly to ensure our prices are competitive and fair. If you find a like for like item that is cheaper elsewhere, we will strive to match or beat that price.

Here is how our price match guarantee works:

  • For the price match guarantee to work, the product needs to be the same; this means it needs to be the exact colour, finish and style.
  • The product must be in stock and available to purchase from a competitors website at the time of your request.
  • The product must be full price and not reduced at the time of your request.

There area few terms and conditions specific to Inner Home’s Price Match Guarantee:

  • We can’t offer price matches for products already purchased from Inner Home. You need to inform us of a price match request before you make a purchase.
  • The price match must be displayed on a competitors website in GBP (£) for us to make a price comparison.

We reserve the right to:

  • Refuse a price match if it would result in a financial loss to the Inner Home store.
  • Not to price match at trade prices.
  • Limit the quantities of price matches from a single customer.
  • Not to price match IF the product is an imitation or copy of the product we are offering. Primarily if cheaper materials were used affecting the overall quality of the product.
  • Not to price match with products listed on auction sites, such as eBay.
  • Discontinue our Price Match Guarantee at any time.

If you have found a product cheaper elsewhere, please email, and we will be in touch with an offer. Please wait to hear back from us with a price match offer, before you make a purchase.

price match

Price Match Guarantee

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